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Massage in a covid world

Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:03 AM PDT

Watching colleagues prep to return to work

Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:26 PM PDT

I used to see this massage therapist on occasion (they do some of the best external pelvic work) when I couldn't resolve an issue myself or with my regular trade partner. I'm aware that she has some magical thinking but because some of it boarders on spirituality I just avoid talking about it (side note: there's a lot in the "massage" field that should be reclassified as "spirituality" and NOT massage but that's not my main point for now). I got an email they sent to their clients that after the stay-at-home order expires on May 4th (I'm in Washington state for reference) they're planning to return to work for chronic condition clients only and will have an hour between clients for sanitation. I'm pretty sure they have watched the youtube video that's been referenced in other recent posts with three more science-literate massage therapists discussing how massage will need to be set up, including changing between clients, plastic covers over fleece pads and table warmers, wearing a mask and having the client wear a mask.
In this email they said that they're planning on wearing a banana IF it will make their clients more comfortable and the clients will have the OPTION to wear their own.
I'm horrified, like fully disgusted and horrified. I think it's PROFOUNDLY irresponsible to return to work in this manner: not enforcing facemask wearing for both practitioner AND client. I understand wanting to return to work and needing to just to keep an office space and not have to give it up. But seriously I'm floored at the apparent flouting of a basic recommendation. I doubt I'll ever return to them OR refer anyone to them. Beyond that I'm kind of at a loss. Thoughts or suggestions? I think I'm too close to this to process properly. I really like them as a colleague and person but this whole situation is super serious.

submitted by /u/pbandbooks
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Cheapest Massage Therapy School?

Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:06 PM PDT

I'm considering doing massage therapy school on the weekends as a hobby. Where can I do this for low cost?

I'm in NY State currently but am interested in moving ro Texas

submitted by /u/crazycoconut247
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prone mask.

Posted: 26 Apr 2020 08:58 AM PDT

Massage is Soothing. How can it help in current lockdown situation ?

Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:07 PM PDT

Absurdly tight fascia / muscle knots - please help i’m begging!!!

Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:56 AM PDT

I (23F) have had problems with unholy muscle knots for my entire life, probably related to long term trauma and therefore holding tension in my body constantly (it's completely unconscious, yes I know I need to work on stopping this but it's a long process). The knots are usually all in my traps, I have gotten used to it except for sometimes when they seem to flare up and become unbearable which is what is happening now.

It literally hurts to exist. The pain radiates from all the knots into the surrounding muscles so it hurts even if I'm not touching them. I feel like I have tried everything and I'm getting no relief at all. I have tried foam rolling, a tennis ball, having someone hold pressure on them, stretching and exercises, heat, and even muscle relaxants the doctor prescribed. None of it is helping!!!

Some of them are so rock hard it is difficult to distinguish at first if it is bone or a knot you are pressing on. Even if I lay on a tennis ball for 10 minutes or more they never seem to "give" or loosen at all. So I am wondering are there some muscle knots that are just permanent?? Or is there anything I can do to get a little bit of relief 😭 someone PLEASE help me

submitted by /u/chased444
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