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Digging into the riches within the niches with Tara Walsh aka The Lashpreneur

Don't let the fear of getting narrow with a niche hold you back from finding success as a go-to aesthetic authority.

"The riches are in the niches." 

You may have heard the saying before, but you might also be thinking... 

"How does specializing in one thing bring me more clients, more revenue, more success? That doesn't add up!" 

I know it might seem counterintuitive on the surface, but when you dig deeper, you'll find that focusing on your ONE big thing is also what allows you to become the ultimate expert, and no one is a better example of this than my guest on this week's episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, Tara Walsh

Tara is a lash artist turned business coach who is the founder and CEO of The Lashpreneur, where she shares her passion and genius for helping other lash artists start, build and grow their incredibly successful lash artistry businesses.

She does this through the lessons she has learned along her own business journey where she decided to focus on the single service area that she enjoyed the most and was profitable for her business. 

( Spoiler alert: it was lashes! )

SMME #133 Leveraging The Power of Going Niche with Tara Walsh of The Lashpreneur

SMME #133 Leveraging The Power of Going Niche with Tara Walsh…

I know it might seem counterintuitive on the surface, but when you dig deeper, you’ll find that focusing on your one thing is also what allows you to become the ultimate expert, and no one is a better example of this than my guest on this episode, Tara Walsh. Tara is founder of The Lashpreneur, where she shares her passion and genius for helping other lash artists start, build and grow their incredibly successful lash artistry businesses.

  • 34 min

Even if lashes aren't the thing you're wild about in the aesthetic realm, this episode is still for you. 

Together, Tara and I are discussing the big-picture concept around going micro with a niche, and how you can strategically use that specialization to blow up your business plus the tips  and mindset takeaways you need to make this shift one that you can get behind to help your business grow. 

Once you're done listening, I would be honored if you left a review to let me know your biggest tip and takeaway from this episode or another one of your favorites! 
In case you didn't know, for every 25th review we receive on the podcast, my team and I release a new value-packed resource in our free Spa Marketing Made Easy portal to give you additional tools and learning materials to help you build a thriving aesthetic business. 

Enjoy, and happy listening and learning! 

With so much gratitude,
Daniela XO 

Daniela Woerner, P.O. Box 1413, Annandale, VA 22003, US

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