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Would anyone like a specific user flair?

Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:42 AM PDT

Hi. As a mod, would anyone like me to attach specific user flair to them?

LMT? RMT? Massage enthusiast? Country? State?


submitted by /u/702Lizard
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My city is reopening massage establishments, gyms, hair and nail salons

Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:17 AM PDT

Isn't this a violation of our Governor's direct orders? If I'm forced to return to work I will NOT feel safe.


submitted by /u/Mostenbockers
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Language Barrier with a client

Posted: 22 Apr 2020 03:49 PM PDT

Is it appropriate to deny massage services you can't communicate with? Such as a language barrier with no comprehension for either the client or the therapist? Have any of you encountered a situation like this? If so how did you handle it?

submitted by /u/fleerush
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Help wanted from RMT’s MT’s

Posted: 22 Apr 2020 01:49 PM PDT

Hi I'm a current student that is I'm going to be a Rmt. We have an assignment to interview an RMT but I can't go out and do this assignment because all the clinics are closed and COVID-19.

So fellow RMT/MT if you have some time please answer these so I can add the rest of these responses to my paper. Thankyou so much

  1. When did you graduate? What is the nature of your practice?

  2. Please describe how you feel about your role as a massage therapist – is it what you thought it would be? What are some of the ups and downs you experience in this profession?

  3. Please describe a time when assertiveness was required in your professional role (e.g. with a colleague, client/patient or other health professional). How is it different to be assertive in your professional role from your personal life?

  4. How do you handle situations where the client/patient's behaviour or feelings towards you are exaggerated or incongruent with the professional relationship? For example: overly dependent or needy or overly familiar or demanding?

a. How do you deal with your own strong reactions to certain clients/patients, such as: wanting a client to terminate, feeling overly protective or accommodating to some clients, being attracted to a client?

  1. What are the main barriers preventing clients/patients from doing their self-care and how do you deal with clients who refuse to do any self-care? How have your own self-care practices changed (or not) since you started working in this profession?

  2. Under what circumstances have you decided to refer clients/patients elsewhere? What other health professions do you most often refer to? Who refers most clients/patients to you?

  3. What is your view on the connection between massage evoking an emotional response? In what ways, if any, do you experience this connection?

  4. Please describe a time when you have encountered a conflict within your clinic practice (e.g. difference in opinion about client/patient's condition or other issues with co-workers or clients/patients).

  5. Is there any other advice or information you have to offer to an eager student of massage?

submitted by /u/viciousvb
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Massaging hairy guy

Posted: 22 Apr 2020 01:57 AM PDT

When you massage a guy who is hairy just normal hairy, does it ever bother your hands or make your hands feel weird.

submitted by /u/2question88
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Why is my entire body sore? Seriously hurting, please help.

Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:59 PM PDT

I've never had my body hurt like this. It's like all of my muscles are so sore to the touch. Everywhere. Lightly pressing on my chest feels tender, pressing on my arms feel painful. Everything is sore to the touch.

I don't know what caused this. I'm really starting to worry. I was going for massages in early March but then everything closed, and now it's even worse. Over a month ago I went to my doctor when I pulled my neck out and he recommended physio. So I'm reluctant to go to the doctor right now, and I'm concerned he'll just prescribe pain meds or something, without getting to the root of it.

Please, does anyone have any recommendations? I'm in so much pain and I won't be able to see my MT for a while. It's unbearable. 😢

submitted by /u/suada-eladari
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